
A Letter From My Younger Self

By |2020-09-16T22:48:55-05:00September 17th, 2020|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog, Writers on Writing|Tags: , , , |

For today's blogathon post, we're so excited to share this video from Aaron H. Aceves, author of the forthcoming THIS IS WHY THEY HATE US. In this video, he talks about reading a letter from his younger self, and how his journey towards being published has been eighteen years in the making! -- Aaron H. Aceves is a Mexican-American writer born and raised in East L.A. He graduated in 2015 from Harvard, where he received the Le Baron Russell Briggs Award after being nominated by Jamaica Kincaid. His work has appeared in Germ Magazine, Raspa [...]

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A Rainbow Will Literally Save

By |2020-09-12T20:59:20-05:00September 13th, 2020|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog, Writers on Writing|Tags: |

by NoNieqa Ramos  If one were to place the reviews of the DISTURBED GIRL’S DICTIONARY into a word cloud generator, one would see words like brutal, raw, gritty, unflinching ... and one of my personal favorites “move over dead white guys.” What you won’t find is joy, and certainly not queer joy. Yet to me, first and foremost, TDGD, was a love story and Macy’s indefatigable devotion for Alma accelerates like George’s motorcycle past the explosive ending into hope and possibility. THE TRUTH IS is a different creature entirely. In that word [...]

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By |2020-08-26T22:12:32-05:00August 27th, 2020|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog|Tags: , , |

by Aida Salazar I grew up watching impromptu drag shows in my living room. Many of my (very Mexican and straight) mother’s friends were men. They happened to be gay. Her best friend, Lupe, was like family. He and Mami knew each other from back in the pueblo when they were little and played dolls together. They both managed to find each other as immigrants in Southeast Los Angeles where they picked up right where they left off. Perhaps they were so close because Lupe’s strict Catholic family had disowned him and had even sent him to prison [...]

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How Reading Got Me Through My Teens And Beyond

By |2020-03-28T13:40:11-05:00June 29th, 2017|Categories: Archive, Guest Blogs, Readers on Reading|Tags: , , |

Pride Month Blogathon: Day 13 – Introduction to Pride Month Blogathon by EC King Depression and anxiety have always run deeply in my veins. These issues are hereditary in my case and, though they are not my constant companions, they are definitely frequent visitors. Even though I was a privileged, seemingly happy and rambunctious child, I remember clearly the days or weeks when I felt a malaise that I didn’t know how to describe. I called it “being bored”, as I lay in bed staring listlessly out the window without even a book to keep me company, or as [...]

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The Queer, Enchanted Girls

By |2020-03-28T13:40:11-05:00June 20th, 2017|Categories: Author Guest Blog, Guest Blogs, New Releases, Writers on Writing|Tags: , , , , , |

Pride Month Blogathon: Day 8 – Introduction to Pride Month Blogathon by Anna-Marie McLemore I love fairy tales. I love them so much that even when I don’t mean them to, they find their way into my stories. But my third book, Wild Beauty (October 3), may be the story I’ve written so far that looks, from the outside, most like a fairy tale. It’s a book of secrets, pretty dresses, and magical gardens. It’s the story of a generation of cousins who are both haunted by their family’s legacy and enchanted by their own fierce hearts. It’s also [...]

Interview: Tehlor Kay Mejia, author of When We Set the Dark On Fire

By |2020-03-28T13:40:13-05:00June 8th, 2017|Categories: Author Interview, New Releases|Tags: , , |

Pride Month Blogathon: Day 2 - Introduction to Pride Month Blogathon Introductions are always a bit awkward but alas, they're kind of necessary. Lets just start with the basics shall we? My full name is Camila Rodriguez Laureano and I'm a 20 year old bookworm living in the tiny island in the Caribbean known as Puerto Rico. My favorite genres are fantasy (urban, high, you get the drift), New Adult, Adult Historical Fiction and the occasional Contemporary novel. Most people know me as Cam on social media and I'm an active diversity advocate in all of my platforms. [...]

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Interview: Anna-Marie McLemore, author of When The Moon Was Ours

By |2020-03-28T13:40:30-05:00October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Archive, Author Interview, Book Club, New Releases, Writers on Writing|Tags: , , , , |

When I (Vee) was at BEA this Summer, I had the marvelous opportunity to meet and interview Anna-Marie McLemore. We had been chatting about trans & queer YA for a few months on Twitter, so it was LOVELY to be able to meet her in person. Her book When the Moon Was Ours (which is releasing tomorrow!!), is SO amazing ya'll. AND it's our #GayYABookClub read this month, so I have the perfect excuse to make you all read it immediately. :D   When the Moon Was Ours follows two characters through a story that has multicultural elements and [...]

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Being Queer, Being Latino and Being a Reader: One of Many Latinx Narratives.

By |2020-03-28T13:40:49-05:00June 6th, 2016|Categories: Archive, Blogathon 2016, Guest Blogs, Readers on Reading|Tags: , , , |

by Joseph Jess Many of us know how hard it is to find queer fiction, that is why we search the depths of the internet for it, blog about it and even write it. If you read enough of the queer fiction out there you will notice that the vast majority of it centers around White characters. We’ve read and loved these stories and will continue to read and love them but the lack of PoC representation is glaringly apparent. I am a queer Mexican-American who talks (and cries) about books on the internet, with a specific passion [...]

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Juliet Takes a Breath: A How-To Guide for Young Queer Latinas

By |2020-03-28T13:40:49-05:00June 5th, 2016|Categories: Archive, Blogathon 2016, Book Review, New Releases|Tags: , , , |

by Sonia Alejandra Rodriguez, PhD Juliet Milagros Palante is a 19-year-old Puertoriqueña from the Bronx. She knows she’s gay but hasn’t told her family. She decides to come out to her family the night she’s set to travel to Portland, Oregon[1] for her summer internship with the renowned white feminist Harlowe Brisbane. After having read Harlowe’s book Raging Flower: Empowering Pussy by Empowering Your Mind, Juliet is convinced Harlowe is the only one that can help her understand her new gay identity. Juliet is in for a rude awakening and finds solace in unexpected places. Juliet Takes a [...]

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The Love That Lives Here: On Queer Girls, Transboys, and Sex on the Page

By |2020-03-28T13:40:50-05:00June 1st, 2016|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog, Blogathon 2016, Writers on Writing|Tags: , , |

by Anna-Marie McLemore Sex-on-the-page. Doesn’t that sound like some kind of drink book lovers should come up with? Like sex-on-the-beach, but more bookish. (Paging Dahlia Adler, because I think she would have some ideas about what should go in this.) The fact that I'm talking about drink recipes probably gives away the fact that I'm a little uncomfortable with what I'm gonna talk about right now. But I'm gonna do it anyway. For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m a queer girl of color, and I'm married to a transgender guy I met as a teen, and who I [...]

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